The Story

Dawn Fuchs Coleman,
We Guide, You Grow, LLC
From there I filed the organizational papers in Junior High to become a Future Business Leader Chapter known as FBLA. That is when I started my first business in fundraising. I came up with the idea to have a cupcake sale for Valentines Day.
The sale did not originally start out as a success, but then I came up with the idea to add a message to the cupcake. That is when everything changed. We sold so many cupcakes that our house phone, yes back then we had phones vs today texting and Facebook,rang off the hook. Parents were even sending cupcakes to their kids that read "secret admirer" because they did not want their kids to be left out on cupcake delivery day. Moms of the FBLA membership team were the bakers. They quickly told us no more cupcakes, so we had to stop the sale.
I really believe that is when I realized if you are dedicated and committed to your beliefs you will be successful. Whether you are the household engineer, a single working mom- like myself, wife, or employee you can have success but it is WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT, AND NO ONE ELSE.
From there I attended college, quickly realizing that it probably was not for me. I went on to become a Series 7 Stock Broker and worked my way up to ultimately become President and CEO of our family owned business. The company was sold to a Publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange(NYSE).
I look back and think nothing has really changed from that 13 year old except for life experiences and financial astuteness. Currently I have started WE GUIDE, YOU GROW LLC.
My intentions are to share my knowledge to those who are open minded, allow for constructive criticism and to focus on personal growth and development.
As a child I recall my first thought of when I wanted to become a business leader. I was 13 years old and began thinking about what it would be like to become the boss. That is when I began to boss my family around. I would tell them where to go, when to be there, oh-by the way we are going to have a party and we need to get ready.
Founder & President,
Corporate Advisor & Talent Scout